What is Automation for Services Quoting?


Writing good and winning quotations includes accurate pricing, margin optimization, resource allocation, and availability and revenue maximization, among many others. The complexity of the scope of work (SOW) slows the workflow, resulting in professional service organizations being unable to keep up with customer expectations. 

Automating services quoting allows the process of creating quotes to be fully optimized and automated. An automated service quoting software converts all relevant and dynamic information into an attractive quote and calculates accurate pricing based on your price lists. 

Within a single click, your sales quotes will be ready, and changes can be incorporated into the quote within seconds. It frees up your sales reps’ time, leading to sales acceleration. 

What are the benefits of using automation for services quoting?


Saves time – Automated services quote creation saves a lot of time. You can get rid of backlog requests and lengthy quote creation processes. Provus’ services quoting rule-based AI-led guided selling creates the quote with accurate pricing and dynamic details. The template library ensures all critical components of your SOWs are present in the quote.

Faster response to quote response paves the way for fast decision-making and, thereby, more sales. As a result, your sales teams will have more time to focus on complex projects and improve customer relationships.

Avoids errors – An automated services quoting platform decreases the number of errors made in quotes. Adapt to ever-changing business scenarios with Provus’ configurable approval process.

Reduced revenue leakage – Guided AI-selling is easy to use and extremely effective in plugging revenue leakage. The AI engine presents scenarios, win/loss probability, and risk analysis by evaluating historical data and organizational guidelines.

Real-time collaboration across stakeholders and teams – Automated services quoting solution allows you to collaborate with multiple partners, stakeholders, and departments, including sales, engineering, finance, and legal. All parties work independently without losing sight of the big picture.

Faster turnaround – Reduce the cycle times and turnaround time for service quotes with Provus’s intuitive UX, guided selling, AI-led selling, and real-time collaboration.

Revenue maximization and margin optimization – Services quoting cloud maximize revenue using intelligent what-if scenarios and rule-based AI-led configurable engines.